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By booking your stay at the Hotel Brescia you can enjoy a variety of services and benefits. In addition to general services, we offer you benefits specially designed for cyclists and trekking lovers. Discover below what we have thought for you!

General Services

All necessary for a comfortable and stress-free stay.

Indoor/outdoor parking

Illuminated and under video surveillance and directly connected to the rooms by elevator

Outdoor swimming pool

With garden, gazebo and sunbeds, games for children

Solarium (with gazebo and sunbeds)

High speed wi-fi fiber


Safety box

Pet Experience Services

For your 4-legged friend

Boat Rental at Lake Iseo

SPA Discounts

Usable at Boario Spa

Free bus parking

Smart Cars

Fly Experience

Services for cyclists (certified Bike Resort Gold)

This is what you need if you love exploring new places by bike.

E-bike and mountain bike rental

Bike room

Video surveillance for storage of your bike with limited access with workshop for small ordinary repairs

E-bike charging station

Bike wash

Dressing room corner

4 Seasons Corner

Info point

In order to plan your excursion and discover the territory of Valcamonica with availability of paper maps

Taxi for transfer

With the hotel's vehicle (for transfers in the country and to reach airports, etc.).

10% discount on sporting goods

At "Faletti mountain Store" affiliated store

Bike shuttle

Bike manager Alessandro

For technical and route advice

Travel route in GPX format

Certified Guide

For cycle-cultural excursions

Bar and restaurant with terrace

Outdoor terrace and cyclist's menu

Packed lunch

Energy Products

Trekking Services

A tailor-made offer if you want to take long walks in nature

List of routes in GPX format

Info point with paper maps

Packed lunch for excursions

10% discount on sporting goods

At affiliated store

Trekking manager

Alessandro, our guide for technical and route advice

Routes recommended by us

To do with your 4-legged friend

Energy Products


We at the Hotel Brescia have always been sensitive to sustainability and every day we try to reduce our impact on the environment. Staying with us you will be sure to respect the territory and you can take advantage of eco-compatible services.

Local materials

All rooms are renovated with Italian materials and purchased from exclusively local partners (Valcamonica area).

Swimming pool

Swimming pool salt ionization system + automatic dispenser of cleaning products

Led lighting

100% LED lighting throughout the hotel

Electric Smart

Smart cabrio 100% electric rental

Electric recharge

Charging station for electric vehicle (22 kW)

Water saving

Water flow reducers

Self-produced energy

Our e-bikes are recharged daily by self-produced energy sources

Underfloor Heating

All common areas are heated by an underfloor system, covered with porcelain stoneware.

Eco-friendly paints

All areas are painted using highly environmentally friendly products

Photovoltaic system

Cogeneration plant of 22 Kw/h and photovoltaic plant of 6 Kw/h for the production of electric energy

Automatic dispensers

Automatic dispensers in laundry

Natural products

Bathroom courtesy products CE certified

Local foods

Typical food products of Vallecamonica at breakfast and at the restaurant